Planowane Targi/Konwenty:
- Fifne Targi Designu, Poznań (confirmed!)
- Targi Rzeczy Ładnych, Gdańsk (confirmed!)
- Warszawskie Targi Fantastyki, Warszawa (confirmed!)
- Magnificon, Kraków (application send)
- Pyrkon, Poznań (confirmed!)
- Festiwal Elysium, Warszawa (confirmed!)
- Ryukon, Kraków (application send)
- Animatsuri, Warszawa
- Wakacyjne Targi Fantastyki, Gdańsk
- Krakowskie Targi Fantastyki, Kraków
- Targi Rzeczy Ładnych, Gdańsk (confirmed!)
- Warszawskie Targi Fantastyki, Warszawa (confirmed!)
- Magnificon, Kraków (application send)
- Pyrkon, Poznań (confirmed!)
- Festiwal Elysium, Warszawa (confirmed!)
- Ryukon, Kraków (application send)
- Animatsuri, Warszawa
- Wakacyjne Targi Fantastyki, Gdańsk
- Krakowskie Targi Fantastyki, Kraków
- Wrocławskie Dni Fantastyki, Wrocław
- Hikari, Poznań
- Kapitularz, Łódź
- Gdańskie Targi Książki, Gdańsk
- Copernicon, Toruń
- Festiwal Komiksu, Łódź
- Targi Rzeczy Ładnych, Wrocław
- Targi Rozmaitości, Poznań
- Warszawskie Targi Fantastyki, Warszawa
- Targi Rzeczy Ładnych, Kraków
Remcon 2025, Gdańsk
in coming :)

fot. Agata Grzadzielska
Targi Rozmaitości, edycja święta 2024, Poznań
The fourth Targi Rozmaitości and this year, unfortunately, I was unable to participate in it in person. My fiancé was there with a stand, and he officially closed 2024 at this event in terms of the events we attended. I can't wait to see what next year brings!
Targi Sztuki 2024, Poznań
The 2024 Art Fair was the first annual event at which I appeared for the second time - my stand has evolved enormously since then, and the assortment has expanded many times (it has also improved significantly in quality!). It was amazing to be able to see this comparison tangibly - both in terms of customer interest and my own sense of development. It was another "lonely" fair and I admit that I was barely able to serve everyone! The amount of support will never cease to amaze me - thank you to everyone who came across my art!

Targi Rozmaitości, edycja zima 2024, Poznań
Another edition of the Variety Fair and another meeting with regular customers (I am overjoyed that there are people who come back to me many times!). It was also an edition where I met some new exhibitors and bought a lot of great Christmas gifts - I highly recommend stopping by in the future!
Targi Rozmaitości, edycja jesień 2024, Poznań
The next edition of the Targi Rozmaitości - only a week after the Targi Rzeczy Ładnych! This time I decided on a different stand location and different dimensions - definitely less deep, but wider, which allowed for greater exposure of the posters (some were not captured in the photo). It was the first fair I attended alone, but it went really well - soon after, I signed up for two more editions and Targi Rozmaitości became a permanent part of my lineup!

Targi Rzeczy Ładnych 2024, Poznań
Continuing my adventure with the Fair, I registered for the Targi Rzeczy Ładnych. These are probably the largest art, design and handicraft fairs in Poland and are held several times a year in different cities. In 2023 they came to Poznań, so I visited them as a participant and already then I knew that one day I would definitely like to appear there as an exhibitor - but I did not expect that I would get there the first time. I was very happy and had great hopes for them, because it was also the most expensive event I had ever attended - again, I was a bit afraid that my style would not find its place in such an environment (after all, the most popular Polish poster artists exhibit there!), but again, happily, I was positively surprised. It went absolutely great - my new designs were phenomenally received and all large formats aroused great interest, which had not happened very often before.
Fifne Targi Sztuki 2024, Poznań
Fifne Targi Sztuki is an event organized by graduates of my university - UAP. This edition was quite intimate, but really successful - this time I decided on a slightly different type of construction to better highlight all the new poster designs - including: "Kocham Gołąbkii" and "Polish Hobby Horsing" with Lajkonik. I also changed my catalog a bit and used this version until the end of the year. The photo shows my fiancé, who, as always, was an invaluable help.

Hikari 2024, Poznań
Hikari was the third big event in a row and, luckily, it was happening in my city. I decided to have a bigger stand again and expanded my sticker range - I haven't had to cut them myself for some time now! It was also the first time I sat alone at a stand all day. I had a really phenomenal time and I really hope that Hikari will also give me a chance in the upcoming editions.
Ryukon 2024, Kraków
After Pyrkon was a huge motivator and I finished the second year of graphic design, I had huge resources of will and time, which I devoted 100% to developing my assortment. More patterns that you love, such as "I love chanterelles", were created. Ryukon was a great adventure and my second visit to the stand in Krakow - I met a lot of other exhibitors and exchanged our products with many of them. I think for the first time I stopped focusing only on sales, but just allowed myself to have fun and absorb this wonderful convention atmosphere - largely thanks to my fiancé, who took care of the stand during my absence!

PYRKON 2024, Poznań
Finally - my little dream has come true. After being put on the reserve list in the first round, in the second round I received the long-awaited e-mail - I got into Pyrkon! The largest convention in Poland! It's hard to describe how happy I was that it worked out - the preparations took me a lot of time, and as it turned out, I was completely unprepared for the scale of the event. Virtually all the prints I had were sold out immediately on the first day - so I was rushing to the printing house at breakneck speed to replenish my supplies. My fiancé and I worked practically non-stop on site, and I still felt like there was a constant shortage of hands. Pyrkon exceeded any expectations, even the greatest ones, and was probably the greatest motivator and a sign that people like what I create - they want to have my illustrations, hang them in their homes, and give them to their loved ones. It's a great feeling and I'm extremely grateful for it.
Targi Rozmaitości, edycja wiosna, 2024, Poznań
Targi Rozmaitości was my debut in the fair form - it was no longer a convention addressed to young recipients, where exhibitors are only one of the elements of the event, but a place strictly focused on art and design. I was stressed that my work would not fit into such an environment and that I would lose money and time, but it turned out completely different - this way I opened myself up to a completely new customer base and I completely stopped trying to create anything "for sale" (as I had done before with fanart), and focused strictly on what made me happy, because it turned out, paradoxically, that this is what sells the best.

fot. Agata Grzadzielska

Vilkon 2024, Bydgoszcz
Vilkon is another small convention, thanks to which I "unlocked" another city on my convention map - Bydgoszcz. One of my most successful prints debuted there - "I love tits", which went viral on my Instagram account and gave a big boost - both financially and in terms of reach! It is still one of your favorite designs.
Fun Fest 2024, Poznań
Fun Fest was a tiny event taking place in my Poznań. This was the moment when my style slowly began to define itself more and more and natural motifs appeared much more often - as it turned out, however, it was not entirely something that fit the post-apocalyptic atmosphere of the Festival. However, it was the first event in 2024 that motivated me to continue intensive activities after the Christmas and New Year break.

Targi Sztuki 2023, Poznań
The Art Fair is an annual event organized at my university (UAP) where students and graduates put their own stands with their works for sale. It is always heavily advertised and attracts a lot of interested people - last year I was there as a participant and I was very impressed. This time I showed up as an exhibitor and the reception was great - I talked to a lot of nice people and for the first time I showed in my university environment what I do outside the university.

Xmascon 2023, Kraków
Xmascon was my second convention to which I went with my fiancé to Krakow - I ordered a larger stand, I also expanded the assortment with more prints, among other things, timidly introducing topics that were less charming and more realistic and related to nature - then I created my first ornithological poster with Polish birds! I also introduced some of the first sticker patterns that I cut by hand on the way to the convention itself.
Animecon 2023, Poznań
Animecon Halloween in October 2023 was my first convention ever as an exhibitor. I was extremely excited and took the matter very seriously - I immediately invested in original tablecloths, designed my own business card stand (and the business cards themselves!) and ordered some products with my graphics. I came to the conclusion that I either do something 100% or not at all - and it turned out to be a great idea. The convention went surprisingly well and gave me a huge boost of motivation and self-confidence, so I immediately signed up for the next one.